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Thursday, February 27, 2014


I have decided to have an alternate title for my blog. It will be confessions of an adult with ADHD. Not only are my blog posts all over the place, my life is this way too. This is a true story. I was talking on the phone to a fellow church member. This was a semi-serious conversation about holy things. I was talking to her and leaning on my glass back door (only way to get good reception in our techno packed house...go figure) when I yelled out "oh wow there is our white squirrel!" . She said "what?". She is a very gracious person , so she listened to my off track story of a white squirrel...a SQUIRREL , mind you. Then I veered back on topic. Just saying. So if my blog drifts I apologize.

      On the topic of random things, I saw this today.

A toothbrush? Who loses a toothbrush?

On the food topic...roasted cauliflower is not French fries even though it is on the same pan as fries.

Here is my turkey burger and cauliflower "fries"

It sort of looks like a hamburger.

Did I post last night's Swiss steak? Green bean bundles ...that piece of bacon added 35 calories but it really helped

1 comment:

  1. I think your turkey burger looked good!!You are going to have to start looking up on your walks. A toothbrush--what next. At least the coins were worth something. MOM
