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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

hope you have the stomach for this...

What a morning. Mary Grace has been having stomach problems for a while now. We took her to a GI specialist and he scheduled an endoscopy. To start off with we got there almost an hour early thinking the procedure was at 8. Well we really just needed to be there at 8 for thing at 9. Then when she went back there, they said they needed a urine sample before they could give anesthesia. The kid had not had anything to drink in 24 hours ...What? They had to pump her with IV fluids until she could pee. 3 bags of fluid and an hour later, they came and got me. She was freaking out a bit by then. Behind her flimsy curtain she could hear all the nurses saying "has she gone yet?". I got her laughing by sharing my concern about the results of my new high fiber diet becoming a problem in that little cell we were in gas, you know. After much descriptions by me of waterfalls, babbling brooks and cascading fountains, I simply said "ok now you can go". Maybe it was timing maybe it was a mom's voice but it worked. When she came back a nurse stuck her head in and said she noticed MG still had on her bra. It had to go. She started to take it off but...uh oh...she had an IV in! We were laughing so hard we all needed to pee.

these are a little blurry  because I was laughing so hard and I was hurrying so the staff wouldn't see me taking pics

here it is tangled in the tubing. Later the nurse came in and simply took the bag off the stand and passed it through the bra strap. Duh. She is fine though. No ulcer, just gastritis and excess acid. Medication prescribed.
Ok more stomach related news.

wanted to grill some is stinking freezing out there! I remembered the old George Forman grill. I worked perfectly.

While digging for it in the nether regions of my kitchen cabinets, I found this.

I know Cary and Sophie must remember Mary Grace serving her special white bread fries with cinnamon and sugar. She adored this thing. Tuesday, both MG and I had business on Lakeland Drive. We decided to meet at Table 100. I love that place. I was able to eat healthy for  $10.
Looks good , huh? Stone ground grit cake, spinach, Brussels sprouts and asparagus. After that I had a little time to kill before next appointment and thought I would go to Whole Foods on opening day.

This is as close as I got. I drove around the parking lot for a while and then headed to Fresh Market for the Tuesday specials. I'll be back.



1 comment:

  1. You know, my first thought about MG's experience was--it takes a Mom to make it "all funny". Glad she is going to be O. K. Mom
