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Thursday, February 6, 2014

working breakfast

You know I really should work more. I get quite the buzz off design. Mom always told me to eat a good breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. It only took me 50+ years to follow her advice. On one of the blogs I look at, (KERF), Kath is always  sort of rating how well her meals kept her from getting hungry until the next meal. Now, doing  that is a bit critical for me. Hope this one holds me this morning.

I am getting to work with the most extensive collection of McCarty pottery I have ever seen. I'm doing table centerpieces for a luncheon for Miss. Economic Development's convention at the Jackson Hilton. They wanted to use Mississippi made art for the tables. I've got it all planned so that we can just shoop it out quickly. Shoop is a design term of course. I cut burlap squares, eucalyptus and other greenery and Pam is helping as well. If I can get Ivy up, I've offered to pay her to help. We only have 45 minutes to set up the 35 or so tables. Pics to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it takes a while but hooray they finally listen to Mom's advice. MOM
