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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

the musical fruit

...I apologize for the title...I am involved in a new love affair with the lowly bean. There are so many kinds and they are so good for us. Maybe not in the way the childhood rhyme goes (sorry, Soph), but in so many ways nutritionally. I came up with and easy way to make white beans from a can taste really good.

A bit of onion, garlic and red bell pepper sautéed to start. I added cumin and green chilies to finish. Served on brown rice it was perfect. Everyone here is crazy with the weather. Schools and businesses were closed. I ran to Kroger around 9:00. Frantic folks were running to and fro, grabbing necessary items. The snow was only a lovely light dusting for us, so I took my time and found bargains. I'll show you the results next time.

On a humorous note, Gibbs, Lucy's puppy found another plant to wrestle to the ground, er rug.

Yes that is the beautiful new rug. After grinding the potting soil into it, he completed the tableau with all his chew toys.

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved beans. I can eat Pork and Beans--right out of the can. Of course I prefer a little ketchup. Your way sounds better. I use canned white beans in soup too. BAD DOG!!!! MOM
