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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Phlegm phlam

No posts in a while due to disgusting illness. And I'm sure that you don't want pictures. I have missed an entire week of living so far. With Zpac half gone and a recent shower taken, I feel like I may emerge from my cocoon. It was not the flu, but a particularly aggressive cold, that develops into infection. I came down with it on the last day of our New Orleans trip. I will post those pictures tomorrow. Also I'm glad to have mom back on line. She had to buy a new modem, but is back on Dotspot as we speak. More later


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am just as happy to be back as I am to know you are on the mend. It is no fun to be "out of it" for whatever reason. MOM

  2. Everyone is back up and running! I love all your healthy eating! We are doing the same this year (despite my new trials at bread baking, that is. We won't be eating all the bread... I just want to understand the baking aspect of it and how to do it well. All our friends will be gifted loaves and loaves in the coming weeks!) Have you heard of the blog Sprouted Kitchen? We've made her recipes almost every day for the past three weeks! They are almost all vegetarian and they are so so tasty and healthy! I don't think we've cooked meat since New Year's Eve! You should check her blog out if you're looking for new, healthy options!

  3. I'll have to check it out. One thing I'm having trouble finding is a good whole grain bread I like. It seems that they always add too much sugar to them. I figure it is needed in the baking process. Maybe you can figure it out. I want my sandwich/toast bread to taste like bread...not cake.
