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Friday, March 7, 2014

More healthy ideas

Move over kale...take a backseat sardines...hide in the back of the fridge Greek yogurt...there is a new super food in town. I feel obligated to report the latest food fad and some innovative ways to incorporate this healthy food powerhouse. It is low in fat, carbs and way down on the glycemic index. Such simple fare that anyone can afford and prepare this luscious treat! Work this newcomer to the health block into your diet. Yes , I'm talking about shoe tongues!

I'm going to give y'all some simple tips for incorporating this amazing food into your diet!
The first step is purchasing fresh, top quality shoes. Look for a store near you.
Once you have those shiny, beautiful specimens...get them to your kitchen. Carefully harvest the tongue with a sharp knife (I used a box cutter).

Remember to save those soles and laces for soups and stews. A good shoe stock can be frozen and used later.

The possibilities are endless.

One of my favorites is a nice roasted tongue with just sea salt and olive oil.

For lighter fare, try tongue in a fresh salad. Don't forget the parmesan, it pairs perfectly with the tangy tongue.
Tongue stands up well to hearty dishes like this beef and bean taco filling. Just imagine the zing (not to mention nutrition) it adds to a crunchy taco, loaded with greens, sour cream and cheese!

Tongue left whole can be a perfect purveyor of breakfast yogurt topped with granola.

This nutrition superstar even shows up when guests arrive as yummy chips for hummus. The possibilities are endless.
Watch for recipes and tips for using shoe sole. I'll share scrumptious favorites like Tex Mex sole soup,  O sole emeo (an Italian favorite), Grilled sole, Pecan crusted sole and even a southern take with "Sole Cookin". See you next time. 




  1. Wow!! Food Network is going to snap you up!!!! Well what you really need is a good old fashioned bacon, cheese burger with FF's on the side and maybe a slice of pecan pie al mode. MOM
