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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Quarantine still trapped

Want to know how the roach story turned out?

Still pending. I keep waiting to see when Ed will turn it over and he is waiting to see when I will. 

Couldn’t resist this one. Even casting it’s own little shadow. 

Truff says it is nap time. Ed is so wrapped up in genealogy that it might not happen today. 

1 comment:

  1. Those big ones are hard to kill. I encountered one as I opened my sliding door to Balcony this morning. I don't know if it was between the screen or if he was in the apartment. Any way Bitsy got real excited as I opened the screen and she rushed out on balcony in chase. I grabbed her before anything happened. The roach got away-don't know where he went or how he got up this high. Oh they are terrible. MOM
