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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Quarantine grows back.

Remember that big ole tree mushroom ? It grew back. It is even more beautiful. 

It looked like wings. 

It grows on this tree which has some problems. We will probably have to cut it one day. Ed swears it’s pproblems started when one or more of the girls hit it with their car. It is right where each of them parked at one time. And the damage was bumper height....hmmm???

Little Man decided to break off again. I guess I better look this up. All the babies from last time are thriving. It must be too much sun and heat making it grow too fast. Wish I could share some with y’all. 

Truff reading her favorite book for the millionth time. 

I almost didn’t post this. Cravings for mint chocolate chip ice cream have been plaguing me. Hope this doesn’t inspire any other visually motivated craver like me. It was a tiny bowl.  See the spoon for size. Yes I ate thst big chip first. Also why autocorrect can’t correct thst to that is ridiculous. So from now on both spellings will be accepted. Sorry for the inconvenience.  

1 comment:

  1. Little Man is getting to be big man. Have to change his name. Mine is growing but I wonder if should put mine in the Bubble and off the hot balcony?
