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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sad news

I'm afraid the Lantern pant's days are numbered. If you have ever traveled with or lived with me you know these babies. You can only have fun in the Lantern pants. Medea and I both had a pair. I bought them at the Rite Aid drug store. Hers were green and I'm sure they wore out too.
See don't they make you happy? The little white handle space that should be yellow always bothered Sophie.

At any rate I can hardly keep them up and it is not due to losing weight.

Truffy mourned with me.

The big project this weekend has been Mary Grace and Ryan's fence. And I do mean big.

You can see how tall it is by seeing Ryan there. They have had good help from David, Ed and the next door neighbor.

1 comment:

  1. How will you ever have fun again camping and the Beach without the lantern pants. Even more--how will we all get in the mood without the lantern pants.? Get on the internet and find some more. MOM
