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Thursday, March 26, 2015

a little more Spring

Picked these camellias from a bush in Candy's yard. They were so perfect. I got one in each stage of opening and took them  to Mom. The cleverly named beta fish, Blueberry, hangs nearby.
She is decorated for Easter.

The weather was so nice that we ate outside on the terrace. They were setting up for a croquet tournament out by the lake. Staff and residents were milling around dressed in all white, getting excited about the event.

Sophie sent me a few pic of the great things that keep popping up in her inherited garden.

So many kinds of daffodils.

These Lenten roses are one of my favorites.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of my lowers and old clock. Who wants that old clock when I am gone? Anybody? MOM
