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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Mending fences

Ed took a day off Friday and we went out to lunch.
Had a gift card to Georgia Blue. I know, I couldn't pass up the catfish.

Had to sneak a picture.

Chelsea, Willa and Tova at Candy's.

She is such a doll.

Big (and I mean Big) news...the Fort is secure. That is a huge fence to keep in a tiny dog.

They were so happy to be done. Ryan said he needed to get back to work to get some rest.

Daphne got a new toy that looked like a banana.
Warning...if you think you would like to make some delicious cookies with out sugar...don't.

Ed has decided to take his lunch to work, so I thought some homemade cookies would be nice. I have made some things using applesauce instead of sugar and fat, but these were awful. The would not get crisp. Rubbery cookies just don't quite get it.

I tried adding some honey, truvia and chocolate chips. Slightly sweeter rubber cookies.


  1. sad cookies!!! I have to tell you my new favorite thing is Arctic Zero ice cream! Its only 150 calories per pint. It's not exactly rich and creamy like ben & jerrys or anything but it helps curb my sweet tooth! If I find any good sugar-free cookie recipes, i'll send them your way!

  2. I haven't found much success in baking sugar free. I just eat the real thing and little portions. Works for me. Love that fence. Why not a party to celebrate? MOM
