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Thursday, October 3, 2013


    Fall color is showing up in unexpected spots. Check out this cute little bright yellow mushroom on a stump. I think it is so amazing how unusual fungi will show up once in the yard and never be seen again. Do the spores lie dormant for years waiting for the perfect weather circumstances?

another sure sign of fall...spider lillies. Mom used to always send us with a bouquet for our teacher wrapped in a wet paper towel to keep it fresh on the walk to school. My walk was only one block and all the kids walked together. It was fun. I wish I could see the Riverwood house. Dad had planted a ton of these all over the backyard. PS Ivy arranged those. She has a flair.
so...we have houseguests. Mary Grace and Ryan are at the beach with his family. Looks like grandma put down a pallet.
Ed acts like they are such a pain but I'm not sure I believe him.
He calls her Choclodite, D dog, Brown dog. Remember what I said about the more you love them the more nicknames they have. Just saying

1 comment:

  1. Spider lilies !!!!!! I love them. I wish to see Riverwood too. No, It would upset me too much. Truman loved to plant things and watch them grow and he is all over that yard. Just too much to see. Also they start school off each year.
