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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New pet

I could not believe it when I looked out my window this morning! This was in our front yard!!

Oh my, the cutest little piggy ever. I gradually won his trust and managed to bring him inside.

He liked wearing Ed's favorite tie.

We played a little ball.

We had a little dress up session. I guess I'll keep him as our pet.
Happy April Fool's Day!!

We were laughing this morning about how the girls would call their grandparents and say they saw something outlandish in the yard. It was usually a cow or and elephant and they would just die laughing that they had "fooled" Opal or my Mom.



  1. Uhhh I think it was me who called them first to tell them about the elephant in the yard. But they loved it and it caught on as a traditions of course. I saved a note from Truman about our cat on April's Fool day. I loved the pig. Such a cute idea. But you are soooo creative. MOM

  2. That last photo did not look much like a pig. A pug? MOM
