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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Food pile up

Got a little behind because of ...can you believe Had a little snafu when the counter tops for the kitchen renovation I'm working on were delivered to be installed and the cabinets were not level. Installers were just standing around helpless. It all got worked out and by the end of the day the kitchen had gorgeous white quartz counters. Now on to paint, backsplash, floors, faucet and lighting.
On to the food. I've been trying hard to get back to healthy eating. Thought I had found a good deal when I found this big bag of rice mix at Fresh Market.

It was on sale for $3 and I thought it was a heavy bag with a nice supply. Oops , it was ready to serve and only 2-3 servings. Oh well it was not a bargain but was pretty tasty.
Did add a little V8 when heating. Meatloaf , containing oatmeal and whole-wheat bread crumbs.

Decided to try and get rid of some cabbage. I'm about the only one here who will eat it. A head goes a long way for one person.

Sautéed it with some mushrooms. Nest day the cabbage went down as Chicken Minestrone soup.

Remember the roasted chicken. Added white beans, onion, celery, carrots, tomatoes, the cabbage and a handful of whole wheat orzo at the end. Jan and I took an evening stroll now that it is light forever.

I remember how Cary used to make such fun of Jan and I pointing out pretty flowers on our walks. I wonder if she notices them now when she is strolling Brody.

1 comment:

  1. Well of course she notices. You know what goes around, comes around. You hate to admit it but our Mothers teach us by example. Kind of scary? Your meat loaf was good. And that was a good way to use the cabbage. MOM
