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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

fire roasted and hot tubbed

Years ago my Book Club friends and I decided we would try to make every birthday a big deal every year for every one of us. We have done a pretty good job of it. This includes a restaurant, gifts and cards. For Priscilla's fete we met at a fairly new place called the Manship. It was great. One of their specialties is fire roasting.  I chose a veggie plate.

It was all great. Those are onions at top left. They were so sweet.
Here is the birthday girl, Pam and Joan.
I swear she gets prettier every year.

Sue, Bev and yours truly.
One drawback to going to the new hot restaurant in town, is the clothes all the patrons are wearing. I really wanted to snatch the gorgeous blouses and dresses off all those stylish people's bodies and run off with them. I would just leave my pitiful TJ Maxx shirt in my wake. My Target sandals would trip them up if they pursued me.

My new favorite breakfast obsession. It is so good with grapefruit.
Sorry I've just got to show last night's dinner.

Those were perfect green beans almandine. Turns out if you follow the directions on the package, they are great. It involves ice water. Sautéed the squash pretty well on my own and grilled the pork chops.
Ok, so Candy had always wanted a hot tub in her yard. Well it came to light that the last resident had been forced to remove one from that very yard. I found the perfect solution.

We could have this puppy deflated before the property manager could say the word covenants.


1 comment:

  1. All you "girls" look wonderful. You are so lucky to have and keep such friends. Keep it up. Long time friends are "gold". Wish I had a few active ones. MOM
