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Wednesday, December 4, 2013


   So much to blog and so little time. Festivities swung in with a bit of destruction and mayhem. Sophie suggested that our yearly tradition happen on Thanksgiving night since our family dinner happened on Friday instead of Thursday. Lucy had been saying I owed her a Witches Stew, which usually happens on Halloween. This has been a strange season. So I made a vat of White Chili and they came. Here they are pre-chunk. They look so innocent here.

I must apologize here for the pitiful few pictures I took. I was just having fun and didn't take many. There is a cute video of this day that I will try to get soon. Right after this the pumpkins went off the deck and Truffles loved it.
Thanksgiving dinner was at Ryan and Mary Grace's house. Once again I hate that I did not get pics of everyone  and everything. Here are a few I did get.
A long table was set for 24 down the middle of the living room and dining room.

Appetizers almost filled us up.

Here is the groaning board

Opa shows the kids Big Mouth Billy Bass. Unfortunately not everyone enjoyed him . Mary Grace sent him to the car.

Chris and Lucy came. I guess he spotted the turkey
And Ivy wonders why she doesn't get on the blog.
After dinner...small punkin chunkin . The boys loved it.

maybe we should have one of our own...
Lindsay and Patrick

Lorelei and Opa
And finally...

This is what happens to turkey at my house...enchiladas



1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful day. Why do we ever doubt that it will be.? Mom
