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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sick and tired

...and tired of being sick. Ok, so I hardly ever get sick, it's only been 2 days but I hate this. Last week, I gave Candy and Lucy a hard time for being sick with a cold in the summer. I said "it can't be that bad, just get up and you will feel better, go to school for heaven's sake. I even went on to explain to them that as a direct result of a childhood thumb sucking I was immune to practically every cold germ out there. Well Mother Nature had a little lesson for me. I caught the cold and feel awful. I promise you no one has ever felt worse than this...ok its not that bad. But sore throat, itchy ears, hacking cough and ridiculous tiredness...who has time for that? Well I have an appointment at the clinic at 1:00. Mom aren't you proud of me! Ok, enough about some pets and food???

Grand dog visit
One of Ed's favorite comfort meals - homemade macaroni and cheese
Ham and baby butterbeans
I know that everyone knows how a feel about the over the top architecture in my beloved adopted city of Madison. We have a new contender in the ARE YOU KIDDING ME category. I couldn't get too close to get a good picture, but check it out. This the new Walgreens just a stone's throw from our humble abode. If you look close you can see the lovely bronze swag tied up neatly in bronze bows. Then let you eye gaze down on the lovely corbels that support what??? oh that would be nothing! And they ain't done yet. I"ll keep you posted...

I will end with a couple of precious dog pics

We are all learning  to cope with only 2 dogs and what precious woo woo woos they are. By the way, if you get tired of seeing these precious pups you might want to avoid this blog.



  1. I guess you will have to talk to Mayor Mary, Mary, Take care and maybe this is a sign that you need some much needed rest? Take it.
    By the way, when did you stop sucking that thumb, I can't remember.

  2. Dadalways said it was when I started liking boys
