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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

good bye, Beau Beau

     Even though we knew our little old dog Beau was getting more and more feeble, it is still hard to let him go. He was 17 years old or so. During the night last night he had a terrible seizure. I held him and got him back in his bed after a while. In the morning he was too weak to get up. He has been deaf and has had failing eyesight for a while now. Seizures had been more frequent. The vet said he probably had a brain tumor or organic brain disease (next on my google list). So we made the sad decision to let him go peacefully. Mary Grace went with me and we had a good cry on our way home. I've posted a picture of  him lately on the blog. but here is a pic of him as a young dog along with our other dog, Magnolia.

    On a lighter note, Mary Grace and I stopped at one of my favorite antique shops yesterday. I bet you didn't see a turquoise pig in a phone booth yesterday!

So of course Mary Grace had to get IN the booth. Don't be scared, Sophie, I don't think that is a ghost in the background.


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