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Friday, May 16, 2014

I saw a kitty today

This post is dedicated to the memory of Cary's blog: isawakittytoday. Oh how we wish we could click on it and see pictures of a cute baby...sigh. Anyway I have been working on a future blog post entitled The Cat Chronicles. Lucky neighborhood cats will be featured. This endeavor is not without its risks. I was photographing my favorite neighborhood cat, Spooky, when his concerned owner rushed out the front door calling him. Oops. How do you explain taking pictures of someone else's cat?  "I'm sorry ma'am, I'm just a harmless nut who collects random cat pictures".
Back to the story...I was driving home midday Wednesday and thought I spied some kitty candidates.

Upon closer inspection I realized those were no kitties! After this pic a fourth one jumped out of the storm drain. They can jump straight up???

Armadillos! 4 young foolish ones, to be out foraging in the daytime. I rolled down my window and spoke to one and he looked right at me and went on digging.

Then they trundled off toward Candy's street. Hope they make it to their final destination. Just had to laugh the other day when I saw an advertisement for brake repair that featured armadillos asking drivers to get their brakes fixed. Tee Hee 
Still struggling with the battle of the bulge.

Made some great cabbage rolls. So far so good. I may have to cancel my subscription to the paper, however.

Temptation lurks within.
In weight related issues...

Yikes , Ellie Mae!
In an unrelated (Squirrel!) item.

This is not my personal best coupon shopping trip but still pretty nice. And it is not extreme couponing, just paying attention and not losing or letting coupons expire.


1 comment:

  1. Are the armadillos pictures real? Did you actually see that many? I don't believe it. Tell me it isn't true. MOM
