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Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter week

 Lots to do to prepare the church for Holy Week (one friend called it holy terror week) Got everything ready for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. Both are very meaningful...we must remember the bad before we get to the good part on Easter Sunday. Well despite the cold the plants are emerging. I thought I had done in my jade plant (the little man) when I let half of him freeze

Isn't that awful?
but on closer inspection...he is putting out new leaves all over!
Mom will recognize this harbinger of spring. It is a trillium. Moved from our old house on Riverwood. This lone plant comes up every year. I'll post it's pic when it blooms
had a scant few azaleas this year...not sure why so few..I'm no gardener
this is another spring favorite...Mahonia berries...they are such an aggressive little shrub with all those thorny leaves, but their yellow blooms and purple berries are spectacular
One last sign of spring...Mary Grace bought Truffles a new bright pink collar...she is so proud
      And Mary Grace is moving into a new house tomorrow. What an exciting new chapter. More on
      that later.


  1. I was so touched and excited to see the trillum. I did not know you brought one from Riverwood and it is still going. I am pleased!!Glad for the Jade plant. Kind of like my orchid coming back. You never know. Don't be in a hurry to throw them away--they may surprise you. That is true of a lot of things, right? Mom
