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Monday, September 7, 2015

Poor little man

Dupree has had a few seizures. I went with Mary Grace to take him to the vet. Seems the poor little guy has epilepsy. The good new is it is fairly common and very treatable. We took him to Petco afterwards to pick a new toy and treat. Then we stopped by Pizza Shack to pick up some lunch. He got to sit on the patio with us to wait. After that he was exhausted. He obviously got a little extra attention.
 Calling all antiquers. I'm looking to expand my collection of Harmony House china. I inherited it from my Aunt Dee. This pattern and many others were sold at Sears in the 50's and 60's. The one I have and want more of is Symphony in aqua. It  is perfect for today.

The weather would not make you think it is fall, but this will.

Boiled peanuts. Ed was boiling a big pot and Candy came over. She said she thought the smell was our catbox. She also says wet peanuts are disgusting...Midwesterners. This is what Ed selected for dinner.

Ed took me to the most astounding place. A tool mecca called Harbor Freight. I just had to take a picture and send it to Ryan. He knew exactly where we were.
The hammer selection.

The axe ? selection.

We got a new pump for the fountain.
Ok, satisified Lucy???


  1. So sorry about Dupree, but am glad for a control. Pets are just like people and you do everything you can to help them. I never heard of anyone who did not like boiled peanuts. My they are good.

    Don't understand while mom hates boiled peanuts! Wish I could make them in the dorm!
