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Thursday, December 18, 2014

pet bedding

So I was getting tired of picking up blankets off of the floor. Toby likes to pull them off of chairs and make a nest of them. I finally realized he wants a softer bed outside the hut (his house). So I found a lovely one and brought it home.
Well my CFH immediately claimed it. Would you go near it with that look on his face?

Poor Toby.

However, by the next day, he claimed it for his own.

I must report the good and the bad. This has been my breakfast for the past 3 mornings.

And for the WHAT? files...this. Now a lot of people have these Moroccan lanterns. I even have some, but what would anyone do with one this size? I snapped this with an unwitting lady in it for scale. Yikes! If you put a flame big enough to light this it would turn into a stove. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the new chapter in THE ANIMAL WORLD. Toby won. Good. The bed looks like fighting over. MOM
