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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

just snippets

so, just some random thoughts today. Truff loves to eat ice, so when I come back from walking every day I get a few extra cubes for her. Actually they aren't literally cubes anymore...more like crescents

look how beautiful this blue eyed grass is now. I prefer that name to its official name of Spiderwort. We got it from our parents years ago and it had stopped blooming due to our yard becoming increasingly shady. We had to cut a large dead pine this winter and low and behold the sunny spot that was created caused this to happen. Sometimes all we need is a little sunshine
Had what my friend and I call a pocket of fun. Her son got married and the wedding was so much fun. Here we are having fun dancing. I was busting out some 70's moves. I kind of like that I am next to that large lady. It makes me look like a little thang

This next one clearly goes in the category of "Who does that?" Obviously me. I can just hear my Dad saying "Amy, it doesn't cost any more to keep your tank full" He is right but obviously almost 40 years of driving has not taught me to do it! I remember once running out of gas in the street at the end of my parent's driveway. Hee hee

By the way, I did make it to the pump...



  1. Oh I can just hear Truman saying that. I did not learn it either and have almost run out too. Mom

  2. Cameron did actually run out of gas the other day! Who does THAT?! And he was supposed to be picking Andrew up from school while I was at the doctor with Karis and Liam!!
