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Sunday, November 12, 2017


Sigh. I guess it is confession time. Went to the clinic for blood work follow up. Good news A1C down. Went to Kroger for routine grocery trip. There was a flotilla of carts with reduced price fall candy😬. I have avoided temptation through Halloween. But right there on top was a bag of fall mix candy corn for 50 cents. That means candy corn, brown candy corn and lil pumpkins. And by the way what is brown candy corn?It tastes like candy corn with cheap chocolate. So long story short...I ate it all...candy corn and lil pumpkins...over 3 days. I finally threw it out today. 

But only the cheap choco ones. 

Double decker pets. 

They love this. 

Toby close by

Pepper being the loner

Grandogs and son-in-law 

Sunday white pumpkins at church. 


  1. I will have to play the "mother" role and say, be careful and don't mess up the new AIC numbers. But who can resist a little candy? Not me either. Those dogs are a good source for pictures. MOM

  2. You just got schooled by Mamaw. . .
