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Monday, June 2, 2014

beginnings and endings

Just got through reading Whitney's blog about the end of the school year. I had tears in my eyes for about the 100th time in the last two weeks. She realizes how quickly the time flies. But with each ending, comes a new beginning.

 We celebrated Lucy's graduation and the anniversary of her Dad's death is fast approaching.

Candy started her new job today. This leaves me with happiness  for her and a bit of sadness for me. We had fallen into a comfortable routine together.

Mom attended her 70th high school reunion!

Ivy is loving her new job at the BUMC daycare Privette school. This morning she said "I can't wait to see my babies!" Wouldn't all mom's of kids in daycare love to have someone like that caring for their little ones?

I see Cary so happy in new motherhood. He is changing so quickly. She and Jan were strolling in our neighborhood and a summer shower caught them. They stopped at my house for towels.
I had to scrounge for toys.

Measuring cups and spoons worked great.

He can sit up from laying down and pull up!
Ready for another beginning? I have been attending and serving at Broadmeadow since Dad passed away 3 years ago. I have never officially moved my letter, mostly due to nostalgia for my church in Madison. I joined last week. Well this week my good friend Amy joined as well as her daughter , Katie.

Such a happy day, with many tears. There was an infant baptism that day too. We always sing this sweet hymn about a child's life which always gets the hankies out. Amy and I were new mommies together at MUMC and all the work and fun that that implies. Sunday school, Easter egg hunts, Vacation Bible school (we were co-leaders together), baptisms, graduations...whew.

Later at lunch with my mom and kids, Amy told a story. A church friend asked her what brought her to Broadmeadow. She said "A man I never met brought me here...his name was Truman Ellis". "Through him and his family I have come home here". Keep a dry eye through that !
A sad ending coming up is Rev. Rob Hill leaving BUMC. He has meant so much to our family. I wish him much happiness in his new life. Sophie and Paul are throwing a party for him Wednesday night. Will post pics. And don't forget the happy beginning coming up...MG and Ryan. Can't wait to get to the beach and talk and laugh with my family. 
Summer is beginning too and produce is in!

tiny cucumbers...

became this salad along with tomatoes that actually taste good.

Lady peas, corn and honey mustard pork chops came along for the ride. 



  1. I had tears all through your blog. So much to be happy for. I just can't take it in. I do hate to lose Rob too. He has meant a lot to our family. A new and good beginning for him. You are a good writer. Wish I could be as good. I am trying!!!! MOM

  2. Hey, I'll have none of that on my blog. I have it easy with pictures. Mom, you have to draw pictures in our minds with words and you do a great job.
