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Friday, December 8, 2017

Winter is here

I completely blame my cousin Karen for starting this obsession last year. She uses hers for decoration, I eat them. 

What goes better with cold weather than hot chocolate? Got to use real cocoa. 

Skim milk (and a splash of half and half)

Ok and a squirt of whipped cream. 

Another sure sign of the holiday season...

Candy’s 23 year collection of nutcrackers. They are all appropriate to the year and dated. She had a hard time finding one this year. Finally found one. He is African American and will be dubbed “Barrack we miss you”!

Truff woke me up early. I was trying to let Ed sleep. Looked out and saw this! They did not predict this for us. 

It was beautiful in the street light. 

As The Sun came up it became apparent that the snow was still falling. 

Talk about frost on the pumpkin, how about 4 inches of snow!

It continued until about noon. 

Truffles loved it. 

She ran in it. Snuggled in it and ate it. 

I liked it too. 

My pig looks sad. 

I hope The Little Man, my jade plant, survives. 

Everything looks pretty in the snow. 


  1. I tried to find Barrack in Candy's collection. Could not spot him. I think a lot of people collect them but to put a meaning to each one is so Candy. Your snow pictures are worthy of TV. I had hot chocolate this afternoon. Sugar free Miss Swiss. Bet yours was the best. MOM

  2. a Christmas nutty buddy is wonderful with a hot chocolate chaser!
