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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Lots of things

Ok. This looks good right? 


Melty schmelty good. 


And only a dollar a box. Here's the bad news. 


Oh no. What the heck is all that stuff? 


Didn't see that coming, did ya? 


Leila at 6 months 


With brother Brody. So precious. 


Tripp and his puppy, both in argyle. 


Pulled up to friend Priscilla's neighborhood. How will that wreath survive the gate opening?


Bam! It split in two. I just was amused. 


Is that a beautiful birthday girl or what?


Celebrated her at Parlor Market. 


Fabulous fish. 


The other side of the table. Missing Priscilla. 


Fried oyster salad and gumbo. 


The rib daily special. 

Pam's oyster salad. Also great drinks and desserts. Afterward we were in for a treat 


Jill's husband Bobby works at the New Capitol. He offered us a tour of the decorated building. 


I was fascinated with the tile work. 


The hall of governors. Remember Cliff Finch? 



Gorgeous staircase. 


Newly renovated windows 


Bobby was full of stories from his 40 year experience working here. 


The Gov's digs.   


These windows!!


These trees in the Renaissance parking lot. 


  1. I had no idea the Gov's mansion was this beautiful I guess I did not pay close attention during my tours of the Mansion or was too young to care. I remember Finch and Bilbo. Of course I was real small when Bilbo was there. I will tell you a story about that sometime. Mom

  2. OOPS!! You went to the New Capitol==not the Governors mansion. MOM

  3. Pearl River Glass did all of the new windows!
