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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Search is over

Terrorist cat. 

Ever since Book Club I tried to keep some of the baby's breath on my table. 

This was the scene every morning. I finally gave up when I found it all turned over and further down the table, a blob of spit up containing flowers. No picture included. 

Lunch at Scrooges one day. 

Sofa search continued. This one was a contender until we took Ryan to actually sit on it. The corner sank in where he wanted to sit. Then FINALLY...

We found it!!  They just had to order it with the arm reversed. Ryan said he would miss her way down there. I still wish I could open a moderate priced furniture store with modern furniture. 


  1. I need to go to Scrooges again, please. Bet that black cat want eat any more flowers!!(you think?) MOM
