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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Still digging up the past

Cleaning out the study this morning trying to stay out of the way. Found an envelope with pics of my Ellis grandparent's 50th anniversary. Here they are with their children. Cecil, Eva D, Grandaddy Ellis, Mamaw Ellis, Truman and Norris. I'm kind of digging those drapes. 


This group liked to call themselves the Outlaws. Leon, Irene, Dot and Ruby. 


Bathroom will be torn out tomorrow. Good riddance. 


Why do I save my yearly planners? 


Mom in her beehive do holding Charlie. 


Smaller cat and smaller girl than last post holding Possum. 

Ripped this picture taking it out of frame. Mom looks no different now than about 10 years ago. 


  1. Yes Charlie and Ambrose, My eyebrows were real then. You save the planners just as you saved those pictures. We love to look back and remember. I think Truman looked better just before he died than in that picture. Good thing our memory remembers the best. MOM
