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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Attic attack

I'm sitting in my chair drinking a glass of water, trying to clear the dust out of my airways. 

After a goodbye lunch with Cary and Brody, Ivy and I got to work cleaning out our attic.  It has been on my list all winter so we needed to hurry before the temps rise. 

We started by removing most everything and sorting it. Apparently I have a thing for fall because I had 4 boxes of decor. Well, it is two of my favorite holidays. 

Next to come out were our VHS tapes. This represents hours and hours of our lives. 

Looks like a peek into the proverbial Disney vault. 

Things got a little more sophisticated here. 

Each girl got a pile of their stuff. MG's had crutches, bats and an art envelope that read- CAUTION. 

Sophie's is labeled and has a gnome peeking out. I guess that tag is off of Butch the Blue Blizzard, her first car. Ivy took her pile home before I got a picture of it. 

We decided Mary Grace had been through the most stages. Found a few relics. Valances from the bug era, the Asian dynasty and the inexplicable (and brief) girly, girl phase. Boy I did a lot of decorating and redecorating in those 3 rooms. 

And what to do with all this leftover fabric from client projects in the 90's? Loved us some tapestry!! 

Not to mention all these craft items I have from Girl Scouts, my teaching artist stint (printmaking), cemetery rubbings and Antonelli Interior Design classes...phew. 

How many sleeping bags could 3 girls have?

A few little woodland creatures, unsure of their future. 

1 comment:

  1. A whole lot of living during those years of growing up. Hard to believe. Tears and laughs and just a lot of just plain stuff. MOM
