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Sunday, June 2, 2013

getting behind

gotten a little behind on the blog last week. I don't like to point fingers but, my friend Candy is to blame. She just finished up her teaching year and we have been overdosing a bit on being together. It starts like this

and ends up with us on her couch watching the netflix series Hemlock Grove, complete with werewolves and vampires. Am I embarrassed? a little, but it was fun, and anyone who knows Candy knows what great food she fed me too. Joan (who is also Ryan's mom) joined us at the pool too. So not to be left out of the pool season...Mary Grace and Ryan decided to buy a kiddie pool for their new lab mix Daphne. Well they decided it may as well be big enough for them too.

They also decided you can't have a redneck back yard pool without tall cans of Natural Light beer aka cheap beer. The big event that started this week was Chris' graduation. It was so bittersweet. I can hardly believe my little (?) godson is grown up . Here they are about to go to baccalaureate service the night before graduation. We had a great brunch party the next day.
Look how gorgeous Lucy is too. She graduates next year.

on a gardening note, my oregano went to bloom. I cut it back so it can put out fresh leaves, but couldn't bear to throw them out . 

1 comment:

  1. Gee!!You would think you could have heard better upstairs. Maybe you were deep in dreamland? Yes it is hard to believe time goes by so fast. Mom
