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Monday, February 25, 2013

Grandog visit

Please disregard the old lady in the background and focus on precious dog
Ok, I'll admit that I always thought that people were a little nuts talking about their grandogs. That was before I had one. Enter Dupree, the cutest little shelter dog ever. See? We get to keep him a couple of days while Mary Grace is out of town. He, Toby and Truffles have a lot of fun.

Junior's opinion of the visit

What about the Oscars? Seth McFarlane was pretty funny and a bit caustic. But what could we expect from the king of potty humor. I just got done looking at all the best and worst dresses. I know, I know it's ridiculous but I get some sort of satisfaction out of the bad decisions. And one of the best parts when looking at the pictures, just take a peek at the people behind the actress or actor. Talk about bad decisions! I think my fav of the night was Christopher Waltz for best supporting actor in Django. His calm role in that movie is what kept me from going crazy with all the violence.

1 comment:

  1. Keep the title. I like it. I too watched the Oscars. I hated Seth McFarland, but stayed till the last of the show. He got bad reviews today. Good!!! I may be old fashioned but good taste never goes out of style. Oh and those cute dogs!
    Betty Boop
