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Monday, June 12, 2023

Tiny dancers

I love these delicate gray mushrooms. They look like silk ballet skirts to me. 

Tiny dancers. 

This one was not quite as open. 

More dog in whole time. 

What in the world is this? Saved it from my parents storeroom. It’s concrete and metal. Weighs a ton. Is vented on bottom. 

Inside are more vent holes. Maybe an old, old portable grill? Something to carry hot coals in? 

1 comment:

  1. That old pot had a name--I think it was called simply charcoal pot. It was filled in the middle with charcoal, --lit and used to cook outdoors. Seemed heavy and trouble to me, but time made it better over the years. It was moved with us, everywhere we went, but seldom used. That is all I remember about it. I remember it was always a thing to be careful around. Got very hot. MOM
