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Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Where does the time go? Our little baby Lucy turned 21. 

Here she is using her newly legal ID to purchase a drink. 

She selected a beautiful drink aptly named, The Anjou, after her favorite restaurant where we celebrated. 


After lunch Ryan and I attended Mary Grace's graduation ceremony. She finished a course of study for state workers. 

Here she is rolling her eyes that I was taking her picture. Hey, I'll take any graduation. I'm proud of her. She's lucky we didn't bring an air horn. 


Festivities continued back at the Woolverton's house. Old friends were there. Kelly Anna was a childhood friend. Anna made the cute centerpiece filled with tiny bottles. 


And her college friend Kim surprised her by walking in the door all the way from Texas. I'm so proud of the wonderful young woman Lucy has become. 

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