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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

You never know what you will see

so... I've been off the blog for a bit due to ignorance. I set a new password for my email and didn't realize you had to change it on your iphone as well....all my spectacular pics come from my iphone break down in the system..  Well Sophie kindly (cough, cough) showed me how to do this so ...I'm baaaack  Ok first observation of the observant! You never know what you may see...   See? Turkeys on I-55. At first I worried they were on their way to Butterball...but if you look closely you will notice they have a house on there! Shingle roof and all, so I'm going with the idea that they are family pets out for a little RVing. What do y'all think?

2nd observation of the blog...always observe trash at the street on trash day! On our walk the other day Jan and I lucked up. We found these cool industrial spool ends. I went home, called my neighbor and asked if I might pillage her trash. She was delighted and said her husband had been wanting to make something with them but had gotten physically unable to do so. She said he would be so happy to know someone used them. Then Jan and I barreled over their and loaded up 6 of them.
We hung two of them at Mary Grace's house on either side of a Walter Anderson print. It looked so good. When speculating on their age...they look rougher than the pic shows...Ryan helpfully pointed out they can't be ancient since their website is posted prominently on it!!! See I bet you didn't notice either. 

1 comment:

  1. What will you do with the rest? Rough them up and call them "old".
