I’ve been craving cake ever since I took one to Carlton and Pam for dinner. I discovered why when I cleaned out my backseat. The unwashed Bundt cake pan was in there smelling yummy.
Found a possibly ancient half box of yellow cake mix. Who has a half a cake mix ? Sophie asked. Well I made a small cobbler at some point. Anyway I made them. A little flat but good to go.
Made a tiny bit of chocolate buttercream icing.
Iced a few and froze the rest. Worth it! I’ve heard people talk about the Freshman 15. You know the weight you gain that first year. Well I propose the Quarantine 20. I have never seen so much baking and cooking that people are posting. I know for sure that 2 of my daughters made Smoky Oats (boiled cookies to Ellises)
Found out puzzles aren’t as fun alone.
Jan split a box of food with me that she picked up from 2 Dog Farms. Those odd white carrots were good roasted.
Time for the big blue and white egg!
One last cold snap brings this.
Everyone is cooking and eating. More pounds to come. I must borrow your Chines people. Looks so good. Also the fire will be nice tonight. MOM