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Thursday, September 19, 2024


But first… 

Big lap dog. 

Have been putting off seeing this exhibit at MMA. 

It was beautiful. It was about a man’s search for his great great grandfather. No one could tell him what happened to him. 

It turned out he had spent the final 4 decades of his life at the state insane asylum and Whitfield once it was built. 

The artist painted scenes from his life on small canvases ( 14” or so ) and then assembled them to make this panorama. 

I think it is so amazing how painters can create an image that looks so real with just a few brush strokes. These images are based on real photos from his family. 

Enjoyed it very much. It ends with the entrance to Rose Hill cemetery at Whitfield. 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. You know we have a connection to Whitfield, I remember going there to visit an Aunt, my Mother' sister. It always upset me. MOM
