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Friday, September 20, 2024

The boys

Went to feed Amy’s boys. 

Yum yum. 

Went to the pool today. It was cool and refreshing. Saved a little toad. 

Go and live your life. Toads can swim but they can’t live exclusively in water. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024


But first… 

Big lap dog. 

Have been putting off seeing this exhibit at MMA. 

It was beautiful. It was about a man’s search for his great great grandfather. No one could tell him what happened to him. 

It turned out he had spent the final 4 decades of his life at the state insane asylum and Whitfield once it was built. 

The artist painted scenes from his life on small canvases ( 14” or so ) and then assembled them to make this panorama. 

I think it is so amazing how painters can create an image that looks so real with just a few brush strokes. These images are based on real photos from his family. 

Enjoyed it very much. It ends with the entrance to Rose Hill cemetery at Whitfield. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What a difference another day makes.

Look at the delicate brown mushrooms today. How fleeting they are. 

Post biannual check up. Jan took Mom to Fagan’s farm stand. They were so sweet and pulled up a chair for her. Got us some good tomatoes!

What a difference a day makes

Remember this scene from yesterday?

Look what became of those tiny white buds. 

So delicate. 

And someone chose the cream for breakfast. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Breakfast on the lawn

Ed said there are some pancake mushrooms on the side of the house. He wasn’t kidding. 

They looked like pancakes with syrup !

And tons of tiny mushrooms near them. 

These looked like caramel and cream. 

And look who else is emerging. Looks like the dogs may have run over a couple of them. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Book Festival

This year the Book Festival was in September so we got a little break in the weather. 

So exciting. Hundreds of book lovers and authors. 

First panel we attended included 2 authors whose books we had read! 

 Then we strolled through all the tents of authors and book stores. The Capitol was gleaming. 

This next panel included a cook book I had gifted Sophie for Christmas. Very interesting. Robert St. John talked too much. 

Priscilla, Jill and I enjoyed it all. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

After the rain

But first…

Coco watching the debate. 

Jan and I saw these on our walk. 

These were so delicate and lemon yellow. And yes I got very hot. This faux fall will trick you. Cool in the morning and hot later. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

BW 5 the end

Tripp and Ryan were two giddy little boys doing this. 

A machine let you take a photo at the aquarium Ryan chose the pirate app. I apparently photo bombed. 

Exhausted dogs are home. 

Resting in familiar crate. Even though that one is her sister’s. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

BW 4 2024

Had burgers for dinner

Started lunch off right at The Pirate. 

What a view. 

They sent out mini frozen cocktails. This was a Miami Vice. 

After lunch we headed to the aquarium on the island. My girls!!!


They were so cool.  

Rays and mullet 

The mullet would eat the algae off the horshoe crabs. 

We got to watch feeding time. 

These were blooming everywhere. 

Our great room. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

BW 3 Sun and Sand

Got up and made pigs in blankets. Ryan made bacon and eggs. 

Enjoyed it with a view. 

Ivy made a sand city. 

So cute. 

And it grew…

And it grew …

And it grew. 

Her days findings. 

Rain ran us in , so onto a puzzle.