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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Mom posted about the old song Where oh Where has my little dog gone….i know where mine is! surveying her kingdom. 

Pulled the old crockpot out. 

Old fashioned, kind of unhealthy but good. 

Working on Busted Biscuit in Raymond today. Color palate decided. 

Working on furniture. Getting close. Now having to lean on the artist. He has had a year but is just now getting on it. 🙄

Teriyaki chicken. 

Fried rice. 

Chinese cabbage. Kind of made it up. Rice vinegar, soy sauce, pinch of brown sugar and red pepper. Yum!

A keeper. 

1 comment:

  1. Crock pot--great to have. What kind of meat is in that dish? I used tp cook everything in mine. Looking out the window and wishing., If you ever need an extra job. Mr.,Chen could really use you. Your food looked so good. You are good at copying and making it even better. Wish I was having some Mr. Chen's today. Maybe on a better day than this, weather wise anyway. I will just stay home and "look out the window."
