And cats. Juju has decided he likes the little bed.

Helping with fire building

Helping the help with the fire building

Ed got a haircut and his barber lady cut his hair very short on the sides. He put on these glasses and he looked like Anderson Cooper. That is not a bad thing.

Ok. Here they were playing with a ROCK.

Lazy playing.

Coco lost a tooth. What does the Tooth Fairy bring a pup? I was always a terrible tooth fairy. I would forget to do it and when the child would wake up to no money I would take money out of my robe pocket and put it under the bed and say it must have fallen here during the night. One time one of the girls lost their tooth after it came out. We were at a family reunion in Carthage. She lost it outside somewhere. We searched to no avail. To make things right we composed a letter to TF explaining the circumstances. Worked out great.

New load of wood. New stack of chews.

Why buy chew bones when you have a stack of firewood.