...and some planned ones. Ryan asked my advice in finding the perfect sofa. I told him that he would have to go to every furniture store in town to see no one has what he wants. Then we look somewhere else. I called J. Allan in Brookhaven and the sent me a picture of exactly what we wanted.

We took a little trip there so he and Mary Grace could sit on it. It was perfect. We asked where to go to eat lunch. Always an important part of adventures. He recommended a little po boy shop nearby. He said don’t let the front fool you. Go around back and there it is.

I’m glad he warned us. It said discount beer and cigarettes. But dang were those po boys good. So good I didn’t even look up long enough to take picture.

Much anticipated event. St C’s play. Mom on stage.

Curtain call. It was so cute.

Mary Grace always brings flowers. Tommy on the other hand always is a nut. See him behind Mom?

Glad I snagged this little pitcher from Amy’s mom’s things. I avoided it during packing and garage sales. But when the last buyer left and it was still there I had to have it. So much for my hard and fast rule to simplify.

Also an older church friend gave me the rest of her Jadeite.

Had to take a pic of this little baby croc someone left at the pool. Experienced moms always look back one last time.

Last adventure. Triple birthday for Kathy, Jill and Pam. We met at Bravo for food and presents.