My beloved kitchen clock may have bitten the dust. It has refused to work even with a new battery. I may try to get a replacement clock mechanism for it. They sell them at Michael's. I can't imagine all the times I have looked at this clock. Coming of age when I did, I am used to thinking in terms of quarter till and quarter after. My kids, raised in digital time don't look at an hour like we do. Just picture all the events I watched the clock for, time for the bus, time to get in carpool line, time for bed, Book Club is coming in half and hour, etc.

We waxed a bit nostalgic at Book Club at my house yesterday. The discussion had turned to some of the goofy fashions we donned as young moms. Of course at the time our denim jumpers, white keds with socks, overall shorts and big ole bows on our pony tails made perfect sense. Unfortunately we discovered there were very few pictures of us at the time. We were the ones behind the lens! Here is one that we decided was a classic look...tie dyed knit short sets. Oh my did we love those.
This one had a giant kiwi on it. But time marches on and I had bought this clock at Kalalou.
Not quite as in love with it but I need a timepiece.
Trying to come up with simple, durable and inexpensive ideas for tables at Pizza Shack, I scored with these fake herbs. Don't they look real?
Found some artificial succulents too.
Plopped them in ordinary cans with oasis and moss.
Tried them out for Book Club table
Ok, have to admit an epic fail in the menu. Made an old recipe of Priscilla's for Hawaiian Chicken salad. MG helped me. It has grapes, pineapple, toasted almonds and curry in it. So good. I tasted it the morning of Book Club. It was horrible. Pasty, flavorless, weird, weird texture. After a little thought and a confirmation from Sue, the good cook, I realized that I had used fresh pineapple. This causes a chemical reaction that changed the protein in the chicken. I had always heard not to use fresh pineapple in jello. It is the same principle. Yuck. Ran to Beagle Bagel and bought some of their great chicken salad..
Redeemed myself a bit with key lime pie (fresh limes worked in this case).
Found these cute little chocolates at Home Goods. In need of a little shopping therapy to recover from my salad disaster, I bought a new tablecloth and napkins. These called to me from the customer trap that is the waiting line to check out.